CISA’s Krebs Set to be Fired in Blow for Security Community

CISA’s Krebs Set to be Fired in Blow for Security Community

The head of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) expects to become the latest high-profile public servant fired by outgoing President Donald Trump, according to reports.

Christopher Krebs is a widely respected figure with support from both sides of the political divide, who has served as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agency’s first head since 2018.

However, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that he has already informed associates he expects to be fired. His assistant director, Bryan Ware, has already been asked to leave his position and handed his resignation in yesterday, according to reports.

There are suggestions that the Trump administration is displeased at CISA’s Rumor Control service, which was set-up to debunk mis- and disinformation about the integrity of the election result. Many of the rumors the site has dismissed are being actively peddled by Trump and his allies in the Republican party.

“Under Chris Krebs’ leadership, CISA has been a trusted source of election security information. If Donald Trump fires him, it will suggest Trump is preparing to spread lies about the election from a government agency,” warned Democrat senator, Ron Wyden.

Mark Warner, another Democrat senator, praised Krebs for his role in protecting the country’s elections from misinformation.  

“He is one of the few people in this administration respected by everyone on both sides of the aisle. There is no possible justification to remove him from office. None,” he tweeted.

The news comes on the back of multiple sackings by Trump of high-profile officials, including defense secretary Mark Esper. CIA director, Gina Haspel’s fate is also said to be in the balance. The unprecedented moves will make an orderly transition to the next administration that much harder.

Chloé Messdaghi, VP of strategy at Point3 Security, also had nothing but praise for Krebs.

“It is up to CISA to help America understand cybersecurity threats and misinformation. Christopher Krebs is utterly non-partisan and he deserves his CISA post in every way,” she argued.

“He has earned the nation’s trust and faith, and worked tirelessly to help secure the current election cycle. We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.”

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